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Thursday, 20th March 2025
The Law Centres Network (LCN) has launched a five-year programme of data development for London Law Centres and other specialist advice agencies. Funded by the City Bridge Foundation, the programme aims to equip participating frontline agencies with the skills and tools needed to improve efficiency, enhance service delivery and strengthen impact.
On Wednesday, 12th March, LCN kicked-off the project with a public meeting in London, where Law Centres identified their data challenges and top priorities.
A core aim of the programme is to improve Law Centres’ data maturity: their ability to leverage data for storytelling, fighting injustice and decision-making. The next stage of the project will have participating agencies assess their stage of data maturity, and plan the following stages of their development journey.
Improved data maturity will enable Law Centres’ actions and direction to be better driven by client need, ensure their work reaches those who need it most, and support the network’s advocacy for public policies that better support disadvantaged people.
Key to this would be improving participant organisations’ data skills. For this, LCN has teamed up with training provider, Corndel, to offer fully-funded Level 3 Data Apprenticeships to Law Centres. Supported by Imperial College London, learners will benefit from technical training, coaching and workplace application to develop data skills and interpersonal behaviours. This will support the emergence of data champions across the network—dedicated staff who can support data development in their Law Centre and at network-wide level.
Alex Charles, Head of IT and Data at the Law Centres Network, said:
“Data is now one of our most critical resources. It underpins every element of the work we do and has enormous potential in helping us to provide better services, to influence decision-making and effect policy change. We are excited at the opportunity this project presents to build data maturity within our network, and in working closely with others in the access to justice space to tackle some of our shared data challenges.”
For further information, please contact alex@lawcentres.org.uk. For media enquiries, please contact media@lawcentres.org.uk
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